
Showing posts from April, 2017

Life's not fair. Get used to it.

There was a time when I looked at the world without hope. My future felt dark because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I felt like I was a random player in a chaotic game. I didn’t like it, and I didn’t like life. Luckily, I stumbled onto resources, ideas, and practices that helped me reconnect to my wisdom, my heart, and my interests. I applied what I learned, and clarity emerged. The problem wasn’t that I didn't know what I wanted to do. It was thinking that I should know what I want. When I think I should know, I put pressure on myself. I feel stressed out, and I feel like I’m not good enough because I haven’t got life figured out. When I accept the present moment as it is, it frees up a tremendous amount of energy. When I stop resisting, I can start living.When I look back at the darkest moments in my life, not only do I see their purpose, but I also see that, deep down, I always knew what step to take next. But at the time I couldn’t see this because my vision wa