Are you who you were a year ago ?
Losing something always hurts you to bottom core of your heart. Its not human nature to accept the loss humanely and it feels even more tormenting where you start losing "someone" rather than "something". It’s terrible, distressing and harrowing. Hence it is even more difficult to see someone you love slipping out of your hands not knowing why they are doing so. Just a few months back things were amazing, as amazing as you ever imagined them to be, but what now? A basket full of memories that you can cherish for life? Promises for being there and then disappearing the next moment. A few amazing months that when you look back at them you can’t help but smile. It’s hard when you never know why things ended the way they did or did they? Yet again its human nature to blame the circumstances for every situation they are in. But out of all, there are many which are fixable. You just need heart to solve it. It is not calculus. It is life and hence it is si...